Review Guidelines

MenschenRechtsMagazin (MRM) aims to enrich research and debate in the field of human rights from an interdisciplinary perspective with interesting and original contributions. In addition to classic analyses and studies, MRM also offers its authors the opportunity to publish case discussions and book reviews.

Especially for academics in the qualification phase, there is the possibility to publish essays in the "Essay" section. These go through a "double-blind" peer review process. "Double-blind" means that both authors and reviewers are unaware of each other's identities.

In a first step, the manuscripts are reviewed by the editors. Contributions that obviously do not meet scientific standards or are outside the scope of the MRM are rejected by the editorial team. The preselected manuscripts are then forwarded to the reviewers according to their subject focus.

On the basis of the review, a decision is made on acceptance, rejection or acceptance subject to revision. The final decision on acceptance or rejection of (possibly revised) manuscripts is made by the editors together with the editorial team. They are not bound by the review. If necessary, further reviews may be sought. 

The decisive criteria for the decision are the quality of the content and the innovative character of the contribution. Other criteria, such as the topicality of the article, may also be taken into account.

In addition, MRM will continue to offer the opportunity to publish commentaries, controversies, short articles or event-related discussions in the more general "Contributions" section. In this section, we would also like to give students the opportunity to publish outstanding seminar papers in the field of human rights (adapted to the form of an essay).

Submissions to the "Contributions" section, case discussions, and book reviews are subject to an editorial process by the editors of the MRM. Here, too, the decisive criteria for the decision are the quality of the content, the topicality and the innovative character of the contribution.